Notes from BPU Sri Lanka - Third Year

RSG. 302 – Comparative Study of Religion 


  This course unit is aimed at providing students with knowledge of Comparative Study of Religion and subsequently to train them to use that methodology in studying religions comparatively.

Course Contents
  What is Comparative study of religion and its historical evolution in the East and the West, methodology of Comparative study of religion, Comparative Study of salvation and liberation, God, gods and divine nature, Heaven, hell and life after death, Religious truth and reality, theory of soul and mind and examination of the thesis of the oneness of all religion.

Recommended Reading:
 1. A Buddhist Critique of the Christian Concept of God Dharmasiri Gunapala, Colombo, 1974
 2. Philosophy of Religion Lewis H. P., St. Pauls Home, London, 1973
 3. Gods in Early Buddhism Marasinghe M. M. J., Colombo, 1974
 4. A Comparative Study of Religion Masih Y., Motilal Barnasidass, New Delhi, 1990
 5. A Comparative Study of Jainism and Buddhism Prasad S., Delhi, 1982
 6. Equality and the Religious Traditions of Asia Siriwardana R. (Ed.), Frances Printers, London, 1987

Examination Questions

 Explain the a subject as a comparative study of religions as being introduced.
 Describe the evolution of God concept througout the religious history.
 Examine the distinguished feature of rebirth concept in Buddhism when compared with other religions.
 Examine the objectives of formation of hell and heaven concept in religions.
 Examine the mode of view in connection with soul concept (theory) appeared in religious scriptures.
 Examine the reasons for the anxiety of the people to understand the truth since Vedic period.
 Discuss the soulless theory in Buddhist philosophy consolidating it as a philosophical thought.
 „A universal law relevant to oneness of humanity is leading to religious conciliation.“ Point out your point of view.
 Point out the critique on the doctrine of salvation in the Theo-philosophical/Theosophical(?) teaching.
 Describe variety of religious teaching on the liberation of soul or mind.
 Examine the basic formation of life after death in Hinduism when compared with that in Buddhism.
 Discuss how the teaching of Divine's grale(?) in Christianity lead to institutional structure of Christian Church.
 Examine briefly the evolution of Mahāyāna Buddhist philosophy up to the theory of emptiness (śūnyatā).
 Enunciate the defect (fault) of interpretation of ātman theory in Hinduism to formulate an ethical conduct.